PROY100: Portfolio Page
🥳Lo logramos, este es el último desafío. Se requiere codificar una página de portafolio, usando HTML, CSS y JavaScript.
Pon a prueba tus habilidades de diseño con este desafío de página de destino. Principalmente trabajarás con HTML y CSS para este proyecto, con un poco de JS para el menú móvil.
para los elementos interactivos en la página.hover
, font-size
, etc.Hola Frontend Club👋, Acabo de completar el reto # como parte del desafío #100DaysOfProjects. Mi solución: Página web - Repositorio -
### Widths - Mobile: 375px - Desktop: 1200px
### Paleta de colores - Light red (CTA text): hsl(356, 100%, 66%) - Very light red (CTA hover background): hsl(355, 100%, 74%) - Very dark blue (headings): hsl(208, 49%, 24%) - White (text): hsl(0, 0%, 100%) - Grayish blue (footer text): hsl(240, 2%, 79%) - Very dark grayish blue (body copy): hsl(207, 13%, 34%) - Very dark black blue (footer background): hsl(240, 10%, 16%) Background gradient - Intro/CTA mobile nav: - Very light red: hsl(13, 100%, 72%) - Light red: hsl(353, 100%, 62%) Background gradient - body: - Very dark gray blue: hsl(237, 17%, 21%) - Very dark desaturated blue: hsl(237, 23%, 32%) ### Tipografia - Fuente: [Overpass]( - Peso: 300, 600 - Fuente: [Ubuntu]( - Peso: 400, 500, 700 - Font size: 16px
Product Overview Pricing Marketplace Features Integrations Company About Team Blog Careers Connect Contact Newsletter LinkedIn Login Sign Up A modern publishing platform Grow your audience and build your online brand Start for Free Learn More Designed for the future Introducing an extensible editor Blogr features an exceedingly intuitive interface which lets you focus on one thing: creating content. The editor supports management of multiple blogs and allows easy manipulation of embeds such as images, videos, and Markdown. Extensibility with plugins and themes provide easy ways to add functionality or change the looks of a blog. Robust content management Flexible content management enables users to easily move through posts. Increase the usability of your blog by adding customized categories, sections, format, or flow. With this functionality, you’re in full control. State of the Art Infrastructure With reliability and speed in mind, worldwide data centers provide the backbone for ultra-fast connectivity. This ensures your site will load instantly, no matter where your readers are, keeping your site competitive. Free, open, simple Blogr is a free and open source application backed by a large community of helpful developers. It supports features such as code syntax highlighting, RSS feeds, social media integration, third-party commenting tools, and works seamlessly with Google Analytics. The architecture is clean and is relatively easy to learn. Powerful tooling Batteries included. We built a simple and straightforward CLI tool that makes customization and deployment a breeze, but capable of producing even the most complicated sites. Product Overview Pricing Marketplace Features Integrations Company About Team Blog Careers Connect Contact Newsletter LinkedIn
"Yo puedo hacer cosas que tú no puedes, tú puedes hacer cosas que yo no puedo; juntos podemos hacer grandes cosas". — Madre Teresa de Calcuta.